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Christmas is Over

In Family on December 27, 2010 at 11:33 am

I can’t believe another Christmas season has come to a close.  We had a very quiet Christmas this year.  Jenny and Rose came to visit on Christmas Eve.  I made a TON of food and the girls all had a blast together.  I was even able to get a decent picture of the three of them:

I know that my family (especially my mom and Nana) wished that we would have gone back to Manitowoc (or Tamanitowoc as Beans calls it) but to spend Christmas with just the four of us was just a nice relaxing time.  We of course opened gifts Christmas Eve night after Santa and the reindeer had left.  The girls must have been better than I though (lol) because they got a ton of things again.  They loved them all but their favorite are the karaoke machine and their Nintendo DS lites.  The rest of the weekend was just spent eating leftovers and hanging out watching tv and reading.  Pretty nice.

Now for a busy couple of weeks.  Work is calling (I have slacked off for a little bit now but it is time to get back to it), and my little mini has a birthday coming up.  7 years ago today I was already in the hospital due to the Preclampsia and wasn’t sure how long it was going to be.  I can’t believe it’s been almost 7 years already.  My precious little one.

Well, sorry for the short post but the girls are calling for me.  I hope you all had a great holiday!

Lots of catching up to do

In Family on December 12, 2010 at 11:34 am

Once again it has been way too long.  I unfortunately can’t recap everything but do promise to start blogging on here more often.

The best news we have received lately is that our little Mini was given a 2 year extension on her next visit to the Pediatric Cardiologist.  Her Coarc repair is still holding strong and the other heart issues that she has will not change drastically in the next 2 years or so.  We of course need to make sure if she experiences any dizziness, fainting or tingling in her legs we take her to the ER to be checked.

This visit to Children’s did bring heavy hearts though – Mini’s cardiologist is retiring at the end of this year.  This wonderful man who is partially responsible for giving us our daughter’s life is going to be sorely missed.  Whoever is taking his place is certainly going to have big shoes to fill.

We have been living our lives like always.  Have our tree up and have for quite awhile already.  The kids are excited for Christmas to come.  And they got their wish for snow – we got between 10-12 inches between yesterday and today.  Thankfully we went out and played in the snow yesterday before the 45-50 mile per hour winds started.  I am not sure who loved it more, the girls or our Newfoundland Kodiak (see pics below).

Today is a day for sitting by the fire, having some coffee and/or tea and trying to catch up on things.  I will make sure I am more diligent about posting on here.  Hope you all are well!